Our goal is to support local federations with the development of both technical and sport diving. This is done via the development of “universal” standards, help with implementing new courses, support with seminars and courses as well as help with quality control. Therefore, our focus is not on individual divers or instructors, but on local federations to help their instructors and divers.
All over the world, modern diving has evolved through the continuous development of new methods and materials.
In this new era of fast-moving technological progress and openness, the duty of the CMAS Technical Committee is to update and improve our diving techniques and standards, with the aim of increasing the safety and efficiency of our training.
The CMAS Technical Committee follows a progressive policy, guided by a vision and desire for renewal and modernisation in collaboration with national federations. This approach aims to build multi-sectoral cooperation which fits perfectly into a structured, productive and modern perspective. It puts the spotlight on new diving technologies and effective training programmes which promote quality, professionalism and safety.
This innovative policy, which easily lends itself to international development, brings together world-renowned experts with proven skills, dedicated to their task and driven by a desire to carry out quality work for the CMAS family.
In addition, the promotion and development of diving for people with reduced mobility are not forgotten, as it increasingly meets a growing demand for diving opportunities worldwide.
About the Technical Committee
The main focus of the T.C. is with providing the CMAS members with safe diving. This is achieved through promoting world class standards for all aspects of Scuba Diving and ensuring adherence of them by member federations and dive providers.
The focus of the CMAS TC is providing the CMAS federation with guidelines for safe diving, education standards’, quality control, teaching material and help starting with CMAS training. This is achieved through promoting world class standards for all aspects of Scuba Diving and ensuring adherence of them by member federations and dive providers.
The CMAS TC is organized as follows:
- President - answers to and is part of the CMAS Steering Committee and Board of Directors. He leads and guides the CMAS TC’s members towards working productively on projects deemed required by the BoD.
- Secretary - ensures the smooth running of the CMAS TC. The TC meetings, issues agendas and minutes in a timely manner. Maintains the working files and is the link between the CMAS Web masters and the CMAS TC.
- Standards Director - ensures that the standards created by the CMAS TC are to a correct standard and follow world trends.
- Education Director- responsible for the teaching material provided to the CMAS members
- Technical Director - concentrates on the aspects of technical diving and supplying this information to the T.C.
- Quality Director - ensures that the standards of CMAS are upheld and follows up on any reported breaches
- Special Tasks Director - researches and works on special tasks requested of him by the president
- Members - assist the president and directors in carrying out their duties.
The CMAS has developed a CMAS International Diver Training Certification System that consists of Diver, Speciality Diver, Technical Diver and Leadership Diver Training Standards and which allows divers, that have been trained in accordance with the prescribed CMAS International Diver Training Standards, to have their certifications recognized throughout the world in countries that are members of the CMAS family of divers.
For further information please contact to your national CMAS federation. Click on the following link to see the full list of the CMAS member countries. CMAS Federations »